If you support Israel, you are a supremacist
Whether you realise it or not.
If you rejoice at, or even turn a blind eye to, 50,000 dead Palestinians, you support ethnic cleansing and are an adherent of racial supremacy.
If you support the theft, pillage, plunder and rape of a country by European and American settlers, you are an advocate of settler colonialism. You are a supremacist.
I don’t give a fuck what your book says. It’s just a book. An old one at that. It has no relevance to the modern world.
If 15,000 dead Palestinian children doesn’t make you question Israel’s motivations, you do not value life. Or maybe just not that kind of life.
If you believe God granted one people the right to uproot, kill, oppress and humiliate another people so that they can take their home, somewhere they’ve lived for hundreds of years, you’re deluded. And you’re a supremacist.
Anyone who drives another being from his home and moves himself in with zero moral qualms is the grubbiest, most degenerate human being there is.
‘Human beasts.’ ‘Children of darkness.’ ‘Amalek.’
‘They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs… they should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.’
The Nazis considered the Jews ‘untermenschen’. They tried to kill them all.
Israelis consider the Palestinians ‘human beasts’. Now they are enacting their own final solution.
If you support them in this endeavour, you are a supremacist. Racist, through and through.
An occupying power has no right under international law to defend itself. To argue otherwise to argue for ethnic cleansing. And ethno-supremacy.
If you do so, you’re a supremacist.
Stop deluding yourself. Support for Israel is not support for democracy, or decency, or civilisation. It is the opposite.
If you support Israel, you are a supremacist.
But your God’s probably okay with that.